
Monday 9 December 2019

traffic time

How to make dip.

To make this potato chip dip, all you need is three simple ingredients:

● CREAM CHEESE: two (8gm) packages. Make sure the cream cheese is softened before mixing.

● CHILLI SAUCE: all you need is one (12 gm.) jar. You can find the chilli sauce by the ketchup.

● ONION SALT: just 2 teaspoons. You can add more to taste.

First: Get all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them together when done Put in the fridge when you see it look like dip take out and use with chips. 

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Lorde the Amazing singer

WALT: start the summer learning journal by doing the teaser posts. The one that I did was one of the 3 in a day.

For me it was very fun learning all the interning fasts about her. It took me about 17 min to post this.

Do you what be a famous celebrities of what you want and why?

Thursday 28 November 2019

The blue fire ball

( The blue fire of Maryland's' scientists have discovered a new type of fire, which they have aptly named “Blue Whirl.” This new fire is small, whirling, transparent, and blue. ... In nature, fire whirls can be dangerous when they occur during wildfires. Fire whirls have also been known to form during chemical fires, too )
WALT: combined colours, I did this with pastels. I smudging the colours of the pastels together and I made cool amazing thing like this blue fire ball.

It took a long time to master the technique  of pastels smudging. For me it took about 3 time to get the perfect fire ball.

The colours I use to make the blue fire ball.

Have you seen blue fire before?

Monday 11 November 2019

The adventure story part: 1

The amazing robot

It took a very long time to draw I got my idea from a movie call wait I think O no I forgot it again but it was fun to make with my friends!

have you made a robot if not try to do so?

Wednesday 6 November 2019

The walking comp

Week 4 - Problem 

Maths week
 It is 0.5 km from school to the athletics grounds. It is 600 metres from our school to golf course. Mr Adams walks from school to the athletics grounds 6 times in a week. Mr Gray walks from school to the golf course 4 times in a week.

 Who walks the greatest distance?
 Mr Adams

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Creative pixel art

mindful loving people

IT was very easy to pick the people that I love for the post it can be tricky some time with the people that have past away in your life. I know that it was hard for me because my friends had past away .

Do you have people that are loving to you if not you can just simply smile to people on the streets they will be filled with love and they will be smiling at other people just because you smiled.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Being CyberSmart in games


Welcome to CyberSmart: The Game. Remember, being CyberSmart means making good decisions when online or learning with your device.

It was very hard to finish I got some help from mace .
Do you do CyberSmart if not would you?

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Expressing Acronyms

Acronyms: : a word (such as NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term
also : an abbreviation (such as FBI) formed from initial letters :

What do these acronym stand for?
WALL-E - short for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth
EVE - Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator

Acronym challenge: Shepherd - silly heper eating poop heper 
Your name e.g. NICK - Nice Intelligent Class King

Room Three: Reeeee (¨oh¨ ) over man's treats  (¨ha¨) Reeee eeeee eeeeeee

WALT: use Acronyms in movies.

Friday 27 September 2019


WALT: Be cyber smart in thing we are playing a game to help us to do this.


It was the time to go to the most amazing thing in the year it was, (For some people.)...
Swimming is the best thing in the world for me in some cases. The first week of swimming is not so good and when we come in and sit we just do simple work.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Friday 13 September 2019

The beautiful coloured East Side

WALT: Make a logo for the East Side Zone !

It was hard to publish to my blog I had to get the size right and it was so fun to make was my friend!

Are you in East Side Zone If not would you like to be ?

Amazing books

WALT: We can be anything we want to be!
It was fun with the duffy people talking with us it was so interesting to watch and  learn!

Friday 6 September 2019

Want A Good Game

WALT: work on my own and use shapes to make stuff!

I work on my own for about 3 day in till I  was done I got the idea of good Games it was fun making it I hope I can make A anther logo some time later soon !

Do you have the sills  to make a logo if so why do you want to ?

Fort fun

WALT: Have  fun / be creative with our rewards ( our reward was fort day ) !

My gorps was in the corns on the Dino it was a bit hard to make but we got through it. We had time on our tech in till after lunch it was still fun and amazing to build we love our rewards!

Do your class have a class reward if not would you like one ?

Amazing Te Whare Tapa Wha

WALT: Identify the different emotions we feel to people and to you .

It was a bit hard to make with my friends and it was fun we were so in to it we when CRAZY !

Have you made a slide show that were you show your feelings?

Thursday 5 September 2019

Reckless kiwiana Art

WALT: Identify things that are kiwiana we use bold colours to fill in the quadrants !

 I was inspired by Glen Jones he is so good at art he's the best at simple art I love him!

It took a long time to colouring the quadrants all the art that I made was for the kiwiana pictures it took about 3 day to made the kiwiana art !

kiwiana art is very poplar would you like to make a kiwiana art post and why?

Monday 2 September 2019

Find the finding word study

WALT: to under stand our words in spelling.

It was hard a start but after a little bit I got going fast.

Have you learnt your words if not get going!

RE- Just

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Bombing Te Ara Tuhura

Exploring The Path - Te Ara Tuhura 

The 10 Sparks of knowledge around the hook of Te Ara Tuhura .
Love is the way the truth and the life.
leafs are falling down from earth signaling the land on the earth. 
The rain signaling the water on the earth. 

WALT: Design a logo for Te Ara Tuhura!

This is my logo for Te Ara Tuhura it was really fun playing with all the shapes.

Have you made a logo and do you want to make a logo?

Friday 23 August 2019

Mystery adventure story

WALT: Create my own personal blogpost with Arlo!

It was really fun making this and seeing where everything would go.

Have you made a slide show play?
Why would you want to make one ?

Tuesday 20 August 2019

The bombing stick house

WALT: Describe a setting using creative tools to hook an audience

Do you like the three little fat pigs!

Friday 9 August 2019

Crashing Quiet

We were  given a  letter to make something up that you can feel!

Have you ever felt like you are quiet!

Killer Deimn

WALT: make and design our own animal for a top trump card!

Do you have top trump cards.

Super cool Joyful sayings!

WALT: seeing different emotions from the inside out movie.

Have you seen the inside out.

Crashing Sacraments

WALT: make a sacrament DLO .

Do you know any sacrament!

Wednesday 7 August 2019


Friday 2 August 2019

Amazing God preys

RE  WALT:   Describe places we can pray.

Do you have any preys?

Do you have any Places that are Special to you were you can worship god?

Thank you !

Thursday 1 August 2019

Creepy deers

What is your Favourite Animal?

The Blood Mystery

WALT:   Recount  event in a way to engage our avdience.

The Blood Mystery
 It was a blistering cold day we are on the way to the museum we were cold on the bus!

 (Later that day)

 We just came out of the hot Museum for the some Morning tea I did not have much to eat I was talking with my friends about stuff. I was still very Hungry. A wee while later we could play around the Gardens I was waiting for my friends to finish. I went to the big tree were all the people are. It was too Busy to climb so I went to the medmin tree where some people were. When I saw people playing tag I Joined in. I was so close to being in the tagger was Chasing me around the tree I ran under the big branch I turned around and SMACK…

 I was very dizzy at this stage I had A very runny bleeding nose is running like a tap. I quickly ran to a teacher I got some tissues to catch the Blood we were waiting for mr gray to come to see. A wee while layer mr Grey came and he saw I had a black eye so he gave me an ice pack for my eye. I sat down with brody mum she was very Nice to me she gave me gum. It was time to go in the museum. My face was very sore. Mr Gray Took me to the toilet to wash my hands because they had a lot of blood on them. We cared on with museum trip/tour!

Have you done Anything like this?

Friday 26 July 2019

shepherds maths Equation

Was that easy to you I Thought that was hard for me!

Thank you for watching guys!

Friday 5 July 2019

shepherd&the year 6 dance

 WALT: Do the Salsa with the girls
 in The Isaac Royal Theatre . Some people where stage Frightened  they where fine after we started to sit down we 
Waited  for about 1/2 an hour for all the Parents to came it was Interesting seeing all the  Costumes were they were amazing to look at
when siting down!

whats your Favourite dance could you go to the  Isaac Royal Theatre to do a dance!

Tuesday 2 July 2019

                            New Brighton Reflection of Capture

1. what we did/who did we played!
we played south new Brighton and Queenspark school.

2.what did I do wall?
I was good at dfeding .

3.what did I find hard?
in the fist game it was very hard!

The footsteps of Jesus shepherd

How can you show the footsteps of Jesus

Monday 1 July 2019

shepherds holy spirit dove

                          Do like the holy spirit!

shepherds Respect poster

How can you show Respect  in the classroom,playground,lunchroom,home and with Adults!

Friday 28 June 2019

The old shepherd story

                   The old mutatanger story

What do you think you'll look like when your old

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Thursday 4 April 2019


Early one warm morning Mum, Georgia and Cameron went for a bike ride at Bottle Lake Forest. They drove to the forest with their bikes on the bike rack. The whole way there Georgia, the dog, had her head out of the window. Mum sped ahead while Cameron oiled his bike. When Cameron realized Mum was gone he hopped on his bike and went as fast as he could to catch up to Mum and Georgia. On the way to the lake there were two ramps one of them was small and the other was big. Mum did not want to go up so Cameron and Georgia went up the ramp and did a cacoona and Georgia did a super dog ford flip. Then they saw Jalen riding his skateboard and Dad jogging beside him.  We saw some potholes up front but Mum didn’t!!
Mum’s front wheel went into a pothole and she went flying off the front of her handlebars.  She scraped her knee and couldn’t move. Dad went over and helped her up and we all went back to the car.  Dad drove us all home and me and Jalen played video games while Mum sat down and had a cup of tea with Dad while Georgia was outside chasing butterflies.

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Welcome to my Blog

Haere Mai, Talofa Lava, Mālō e Lelei , Maligayang Pagdating and welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.