
Wednesday 4 December 2019

Lorde the Amazing singer

WALT: start the summer learning journal by doing the teaser posts. The one that I did was one of the 3 in a day.

For me it was very fun learning all the interning fasts about her. It took me about 17 min to post this.

Do you what be a famous celebrities of what you want and why?


  1. Kia ora Shepherd,
    I like the way you have set your photos out on your poster and I discovered some new facts about Lorde. Did you know Lorde see colours when she hears music. I wonder what it is like to be Lorde and see colours when she hears music?
    When you become famous all your private information becomes public for example her date of birth. By you sharing this information does this support being Cybersmart? This is an interesting as we always ask students for facts so as a teacher are we being CYbersmart?
    Nga mihi,

  2. Hi Sheperd,
    I like how you shared so many facts. I think that it would've been better to do it on a slide because there is more space and it would make the page less crowded. did you know Lorde signed to Universal Music at the age of 13, and she was born in Takapuna, Auckland.
    From Maiah D


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2. Thoughtful - A comment that will mean something to me to let me know you read/watched or listened to what I had to say. - use any language.
3. Something helpful - Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.
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