
Monday 9 December 2019

traffic time

How to make dip.

To make this potato chip dip, all you need is three simple ingredients:

● CREAM CHEESE: two (8gm) packages. Make sure the cream cheese is softened before mixing.

● CHILLI SAUCE: all you need is one (12 gm.) jar. You can find the chilli sauce by the ketchup.

● ONION SALT: just 2 teaspoons. You can add more to taste.

First: Get all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them together when done Put in the fridge when you see it look like dip take out and use with chips. 

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Lorde the Amazing singer

WALT: start the summer learning journal by doing the teaser posts. The one that I did was one of the 3 in a day.

For me it was very fun learning all the interning fasts about her. It took me about 17 min to post this.

Do you what be a famous celebrities of what you want and why?

Thursday 28 November 2019

The blue fire ball

( The blue fire of Maryland's' scientists have discovered a new type of fire, which they have aptly named “Blue Whirl.” This new fire is small, whirling, transparent, and blue. ... In nature, fire whirls can be dangerous when they occur during wildfires. Fire whirls have also been known to form during chemical fires, too )
WALT: combined colours, I did this with pastels. I smudging the colours of the pastels together and I made cool amazing thing like this blue fire ball.

It took a long time to master the technique  of pastels smudging. For me it took about 3 time to get the perfect fire ball.

The colours I use to make the blue fire ball.

Have you seen blue fire before?

Monday 11 November 2019

The adventure story part: 1

The amazing robot

It took a very long time to draw I got my idea from a movie call wait I think O no I forgot it again but it was fun to make with my friends!

have you made a robot if not try to do so?

Wednesday 6 November 2019

The walking comp

Week 4 - Problem 

Maths week
 It is 0.5 km from school to the athletics grounds. It is 600 metres from our school to golf course. Mr Adams walks from school to the athletics grounds 6 times in a week. Mr Gray walks from school to the golf course 4 times in a week.

 Who walks the greatest distance?
 Mr Adams