
Wednesday 28 August 2019

Bombing Te Ara Tuhura

Exploring The Path - Te Ara Tuhura 

The 10 Sparks of knowledge around the hook of Te Ara Tuhura .
Love is the way the truth and the life.
leafs are falling down from earth signaling the land on the earth. 
The rain signaling the water on the earth. 

WALT: Design a logo for Te Ara Tuhura!

This is my logo for Te Ara Tuhura it was really fun playing with all the shapes.

Have you made a logo and do you want to make a logo?

Friday 23 August 2019

Mystery adventure story

WALT: Create my own personal blogpost with Arlo!

It was really fun making this and seeing where everything would go.

Have you made a slide show play?
Why would you want to make one ?

Tuesday 20 August 2019

The bombing stick house

WALT: Describe a setting using creative tools to hook an audience

Do you like the three little fat pigs!

Friday 9 August 2019

Crashing Quiet

We were  given a  letter to make something up that you can feel!

Have you ever felt like you are quiet!

Killer Deimn

WALT: make and design our own animal for a top trump card!

Do you have top trump cards.

Super cool Joyful sayings!

WALT: seeing different emotions from the inside out movie.

Have you seen the inside out.

Crashing Sacraments

WALT: make a sacrament DLO .

Do you know any sacrament!

Wednesday 7 August 2019


Friday 2 August 2019

Amazing God preys

RE  WALT:   Describe places we can pray.

Do you have any preys?

Do you have any Places that are Special to you were you can worship god?

Thank you !

Thursday 1 August 2019

Creepy deers

What is your Favourite Animal?

The Blood Mystery

WALT:   Recount  event in a way to engage our avdience.

The Blood Mystery
 It was a blistering cold day we are on the way to the museum we were cold on the bus!

 (Later that day)

 We just came out of the hot Museum for the some Morning tea I did not have much to eat I was talking with my friends about stuff. I was still very Hungry. A wee while later we could play around the Gardens I was waiting for my friends to finish. I went to the big tree were all the people are. It was too Busy to climb so I went to the medmin tree where some people were. When I saw people playing tag I Joined in. I was so close to being in the tagger was Chasing me around the tree I ran under the big branch I turned around and SMACK…

 I was very dizzy at this stage I had A very runny bleeding nose is running like a tap. I quickly ran to a teacher I got some tissues to catch the Blood we were waiting for mr gray to come to see. A wee while layer mr Grey came and he saw I had a black eye so he gave me an ice pack for my eye. I sat down with brody mum she was very Nice to me she gave me gum. It was time to go in the museum. My face was very sore. Mr Gray Took me to the toilet to wash my hands because they had a lot of blood on them. We cared on with museum trip/tour!

Have you done Anything like this?